Damning the formalities of waiting for the budget to pass, Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff has already concluded the massive action plan isn't working and demands federal money gush into public works programs now.How does he think government works? Things don't get done in a flash... The budget implementation plan has not even been approved yet. Yet the Liberals are already saying more needs to be done, and now.
"I can't help it if I'm an impatient man," he shrugged yesterday in the House of Commons.
Not to be outdone in a hand-wringing frenzy of overreaction, Liberal finance critic John McCallum insists rising unemployment projections justify unleashing more than the planned $34-billion in stimulus spending this spring, even before ground-breaking activity gets underway financed by Canada's New Deficit Government.Of course, let's just throw more money down the drain - before we see the effects of the money currently being invested. This is fear-mongering of the worst kind, with the potential effect of worsening Canada's economic situation.
A bemused Stephen Harper urged calm, noting the preliminary budget-endorsing vote was less than 48 hours old.
The trouble with fiscal and economic gloom is how it becomes mentally contagious. And if the Commons continues to perform as a nationally broadcast pit of economic depression, it could spur on a plague of self-fulfilling consumer pessimism across the country.
To become part of a constructive solution instead of exacerbating the problem, MPs should tackle the budget with the same urgency they usually devote to passing MP pay raises.
For once I can say that I mostly agree with Mr. Martin.
Uh, it's not the Liberals that are threatening the success of the budget it is the Conservatives, with their deliberately misleading estimates and projections.
As Harper's own Budget Chief has pointed out, Harper's estimates are way off on how the economy is doing, and his projections are even worse. Also, his analysis of how much good this budget will do to stimulate the economy is way overstated.
And we hear today that Harper's projections on unemployment rates are way off with the largest rise in unemployment figures in over 3 decades, now up to 7.2% (which is seasonally adjusted so the real numbers are more like 12 or 13%).
We should not be surprised that Harper is still getting it wrong. While the whole world was talking about the worst recession in decades, Harper was telling us we would not have a recession or a deficit and that there would good buying opportunities out there. Clearly our self-described "economist" doesn't have a clue.
Tory times are tough times indeed. Time for a change. Time for good government.
The libral personal economy is down the tubes; they need to return to government to be in charge again so as to direct monies into their caucus like they have done for years. When you hear the liberals say to the public "I FEEL YOUR PAIN" look out! because it is not your pain they feel but theirs alone.
If the liberals were to handle the crisis today, they will follow exactly what the conservative prime minister has done but what we will never as long as the MSM never reports it, is that the liberals will pay for major social programs without your knowledge like they have done before never to see its destination but libreral caucus alone.
Remember the DRASTIC CUTS to areas where the liberals made cuts too-guess what- the prime minister now has to deal with them now. now, had the liberals not stolen in the millions of dollars to buy golf course to friends and what have you nor made those drastic cuts to vital areas; most likely the prime minister may not have the bulk of expenses to deal with today.
As long as the liberals have their MSM to coverup their hidden agendas, the liberals will never stop.
Yes Ted, we almost had your 'good govt'.A man who suffered the worst defeat in Liberal history, joined by a populist/socialist, led from the nose by a former communist separatist.The pathetically ineffective first was replaced without a vote by a man who until recently had not seen Canada in 30 years.
No doubt, Canadians held their collective breath waiting to see these three stooges enact your ideal of 'good governance..'
Do you know the words to the international ,Ted?
I'd go with that during the election Kursk.
Fight a coalition that doesn't exist.
Fight a socialist that never was.
Fight on issues that Canadians don't care about, certainly not compared to their jobs, record deficits, a government with a track record of totally muffing economic prediction, a government totally inept at getting numbers right, a government bent on partisan pork barrelling to their own ridings, defaming good MPs if they dare to oppose your "good govt", election law scams, buying Cadman's vote.
I keep calling him Deceivin' Stephen or The Right Honourable Stephen Brian Jean Harper. But you made me realize that he, or atleast the people around him, is more like John McCain.
So totally disconnected with the reality and priorities of Canadians. But keep telling us that there are good buying opportunities out there.
Forgot one: Fight an incompetent leader that we got rid of.
Flaherty couldn't forecast a day ahead, let alone months or years...that's why the Tories dumped him as Ontario Finance minister.
The Liberals though have no excuse for trying to pile on the Conservatives after endorsing their action plan.
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