As others have mentioned before me, it appears that the Liberals and the Conservatives are in a dead heat right now - according to the latest Strategic Council poll for CTV and the Globe and Mail. The Conservatives' leads has drastically fallen around Canada, including in Western Canada and Ontario.
Of course, the threat of an election has been cast aside for a while, so when asked about an election "tomorrow" respondents are answering in a bubble. But still, those numbers are not encouraging and signify the time for some hard, hard work from the Conservative government - if they hope to make up that lost ground.
CTV explains that having ditched the coalition was probably very beneficial for Ignatieff and the Liberals, and his tone and phrasing about keeping the government "on probation" makes him seem like a tough alternative (unlike lame-duck Dion).
As well, the current economic situation has not helped out the government, who has been left scrambling to provide an acceptable economic plan and has been looking inconsistent in its future projections. Let's not forget the fact that many small-c conservatives have been left with a bad taste in their mouth following the presentation of the budget, which may have them protesting by denying their support (at least in survey form) to the Conservative Party.
What can the Conservatives do at this point? Obviously, Ignatieff is not likely to have himself pushed around like his predecessor. However, he is more open to the government's ideas (or so it has seemed so far). The government will have, I believe, to show the strong leadership it has prided itself on since 2006 - by continuing to move forward and proving that its plan is effective.
There is also a need to lay low for a while, as much as a government can, by focusing on business rather than confrontation. Perhaps Ignatieff will respond to that by putting his foot in his mouth. But the truth is, he is seriously threatening the Conservatives nationally.
Of course, as mentioned earlier this is all happening within a bubble. We would have to see how the Liberal leader runs a national campaign to know if the Ignatieff Factor is going to return Canada's natural governing party back to power.
At this point, I am feeling almost as disillusioned as some of my other fellow conservative bloggers. I am still hanging on to Harper's leadership and the current Conservative Party, but am hesitant in this view. The reason I started being active in supporting this government was because I truly felt the party was moving in the right direction. Not to say that I would vote Liberal if an election were held "tomorrow" but I would have to think twice about the party's accomplishments and forward looking promises before crossing that X in the voting booth.
February 11, 2009
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Don't give Ignatieff all the credit. Harper did not look like a good leader in the ending months of 2008. His stature as the only serious leader that could be counted upon in a crunch was markedly reduced by the lackadaisical manner in which he handled things with the budget update, and then scrambled to survive by proroguing parliament.
I still support Mr. Harper, but if this government is to survive it needs to accept that it did not do things in a marvelous manner for a few months, and pick up its game.
The last issue Harper handled really well was Afghanistan - a hint of bipartisanship, a hint of compromise....
The Green Party being shown as 26% in Quebec and 13% nationally instantly tells me that this is a throwaway poll (i.e. the 20th poll out of 20). I'd ignore this one.
(A rule of thumb: if you see the Green Party in double digits in a poll, the poll is probably not reliable).
"Just ignore it". Why that's just what your little hack government did at signs of the impending economic disaster - they just ignored it - and it worked out real well for them, right?
This is the problem when you have people running a giant and complex enterprise who have never run any enterprise before - they just don't know what to do when things veer ever so slightly off course and they have no experience on which to draw.
Anonymous 9:23 - "Blah, blah, blah, blah"
Take your nutjob left-wing propaganda elsewhere. Your response had nothing to do with yahmon's comment. Yahmon had a valid point, the Green Party being that high in the poll pretty much invalidates the poll's credibility.
Yeah, I'm a just another crazy "left wing" private equity capitalist. Get back into the bunker, it's going to get a lot tougher for you "armchair" conservatives.
Anonymous guy = L.O.S.E.R. Not even willing to use a name or identity when he/she posts a comment, and still didn't even respond to the observation about the poll having the Green Party in a ridiculously high position. Private equity capitalist my ass.
Clearly "Food Guy" equals "Food Service Guy".
You guys are even funnier than you know.
"Clearly "Food Guy" equals "Food Service Guy"."
Clearly you are a Liberal who likes to look down upon people based on nothing more than their vocation.
It is that type of arrogance that has hurt the Liberals in elections for years and the next one will be no different.
No, I look down on people who display blind partisanship, particularly in the face of real world evidence.
Oh yes, and "left wing nutjob" started the serious, issues-oriented discussion.
Capital C posted a thoughtful piece on what he sees as problems in his party, and he is right. You should be thankful there are thoughtful people like him and one or two of the commenters who appear to have a modicum of objectivity and infuse their points with rationality, whether I agree with them or not. Most of you chose to say "ignore it".
It is the simple-minded "if the news is bad it must be wrong" crowd which is so in the majority of your party that is not healthy to its longer term success. That is arrogance.
Anon - " Clearly "Food Guy" equals "Food Service Guy". " ....
Typical Liberal elitist statement - "he's probably only some blue collar worker in the food services industry, so his opinion doesn't mean anything!"
The mere fact that anon even wrote it shows his true colours, despite his excuses in his follow-up comment.
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