January 1, 2009

2009, a New Year

First of all, happy New Year to all my fellow Conservatives.

This year will be important to the conservative cause. The federal budget to presented this month will be a pivotal point, one where we will see if we are to continue guiding our country in the right direction, or if our efforts will be denounced.

2008 was certainly eventful. With the election, parliamentary troubles and the economy, the Conservatives certainly suffered many setbacks. Here is hoping the majority of Canadians continue to recognize that we aim to take Canada some place better and that we have no hidden agenda.

If any of you have made some resolutions for the New Year, here is one I would like all of you to consider. Try to convert someone to the conservative cause. It may take some savvy debating skills, a few concessions and some admissions of wrongdoing, but reaching out to other non-conservatives should be our focus.

The party can try, but grassroots efforts are the best way to guarantee our success. It may mean giving up some of our strong stances, but always consider the greater good. We need a strong and effective leader in Ottawa, and at the moment Stephen Harper is the man for us. By showing understanding and some degree of flexibility, we can continue to lead our country during these tough times.

It is more than imposing an agenda. We must accept that our country is made up of all kinds, other than those who share our views, and reach out to them so they understand that we can represent their interests too.

The times ahead will be difficult, but tough times determine strong leaders. I hope each of you can be a leader in your own respect and that you can prove that the conservative way is in fact good for all. Only then can we stand.

Happy New Year again, and best of luck. We can and should prevail.

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