January 27, 2009

You think you know… But you don’t

I am probably proving my light weight as a political observer with this post, but some of the things I have been hearing and reading are leaving my panties in a bunch.

I am growing increasingly tired of some of the comments made in regards to our Prime Minister. Of course, mud-slinging is to be expected by those who share opposing views to those of the PM or the Conservative Party, but some of the assumptions being made simply blow my mind.

Here are a couple of these statements, which I am becoming allergic to hearing:

1- Stephen Harper does not care about Canada, he is only power hungry and clinging to power.

I could not disagree more. I can’t say I know everything that goes on in the PM’s mind, but neither do most political observers. However, I can say the research and readings I have done about Stephen Harper bring me much closer than these opposition naysayers to understanding the PM’s motivations. Reading such books as Tom Flanagan’s Harper’s Team brings a lot of insight into Harper’s mentality, and if there is one conclusion to be drawn it is definitely that Stephen Harper loves our country and is doing what he judges to be in its best interest, period.

2- Harper is turning his back on what real conservatives want.

This accusation mostly comes from other conservatives who feel the PM is not addressing grassroots concerns in his policy, on subjects ranging from abortion, to gay marriage and even cutting the funding to the CBC. I realize that many conservatives feel very strongly about these issues, but the fact that they remain unaddressed testifies of Harper’s incremental and moderate approach. We cannot forget that the Conservatives are working under a minority government, and that they should not be expected to rule as a majority nor would the opposition let them.

Some may even argue that by remaining neutral on certain issues, Harper is in fact proving his demagogy and power hunger. But I beg to differ. This is larger than having Harper as the Prime Minister, even for him. There is evidence to that in the risks he had to face when trying to unite the right too. He does this to make sure that the conservative voice remains alive and relevant, in the Canadian political ring. By giving in to a vocal yet minority views demanding specific intervention in certain files, Harper would effectively alienate a majority of right-leaning Canadians who share broad conservative values but do not necessarily see the need or the usefulness in acting in these files. As well, by remaining distant from these controversial positions, the Conservatives are getting the chance to be recognized as a valid governing alternative to the “natural governing party” in Canada, i.e. the Liberals.

3- Harper cannot be trusted with his promises.

Again, those who say this are usually ideological opponents to conservatism. They have a short memory, and purposefully remain blind to the real accomplishments which were the fruit of electoral promises made by Harper and the Conservatives. These same opponents usually refer to three items in their “broken promise” spiel: fixed election dates, Senate reform and his partisanship.

He is called a hypocrite, a liar and is demonized left and right. However, one must consider the reasons behind these so-called broken promises before judging them. Again, I don’t pretend to have all the answers.

On the fixed election date, I believe the idea behind this move was to give a defined mandate to a majority government, preventing it from calling an election when the public opinion was favourable. I don’t think it was created to deal with a minority government, since in these circumstances, the opposition would continue to have the power to defeat the government on confidence votes. When Harper called the last election, he felt (and I truly believe this) there was no way forward in the current Parliament. With the opposition intent on stalling government initiatives and the Liberals under Stéphane Dion refusing to bring down the government, despite their clear opposition to most of its measures, this left the PM with few other choices. He gave the opposition many opportunities of defeating him, while standing for what they believed in, yet they preferred abstaining while making it impossible for the government to advance many of its objectives.

The same goes for Senate reform. By nominating 18 senators last month, Harper did not act against his promise to work towards an elected Senate. But again, the opposition left him little choice in governing. He could have maintained his stance, but then would have been put in a position where there would be no chance of ever bringing change to the Senate – and this because, in order for Senate reform to happen, the Senate itself must support it. There is little chance that an “entitled,” mainly Liberal Senate would ever accept to short-change itself, so the only possible solution was to add reform-friendly Senators to the Red Chamber, to shift – however slightly, and with whatever time it does take – its balance of power.

Finally, regarding his partisan politics Harper is being regarded as a liar for vowing that he and his caucus would be civil in the House of Commons. The media rapidly focused their attacks on the Conservatives for breaking this promise. However, we should not forget that the opposition promised the same thing, and from my viewing of Question Period in the House of Commons, I feel they were the first to break this promise – whether the MSM was ever willing to admit or even realize it. And now that Harper is promising again more civility and cooperation, the opposition say they can’t believe him. They are giving him no chance and are proving that they themselves prefer partisan obstructionism over making the effort to collaborate with the government.

All this to say, I realize more and more that people on both side of the divide tend to speak about many things which they know little on. It reminds me of something a friend used to say in high school, when people would gossip… “You think you know… But you don’t.”


Anonymous said...

Well said. One thing I would add is that the opposition has taken advantage of a constitutional loophole that must be closed.

There is no way that the opposition of a minority government should be able to replace that government without first consulting the electorate.

They of course can defeat it, but that must trigger an election to keep the whole process honest.

The Liberal media has let this seditious plan stand because they know that without the threat of it, Harper will be able to implement much of the platform his government was elected on.

Allowing the coalition to defeat and replace the duly elected government gives them veto power over it without having to face the consequences of their actions with the electorate.

That is the stuff of banana republics.

Also, if the coalition votes itself in, there is no way the electorate can remove them.

Harper sees the danger in this and is trying his best to avoid such a scenario.

Anonymous said...

I must be a lightweight also. Will you you please send your resume to the Kory Tenycke?

Anonymous said...

The prime minister loves his country more than I say about the liberals, ndp and the bloc and their MSM
These people embraced the hezbollah flag, support the AL-QAEDA, TALIBAN, TAMIL-LTTE-TIGERS AND NOW HAMAS.
Also, the liberals stole from the canadians while their MSM watched without any remorse nor any care in the world.Nor have any intentions of returning our money far less hear from the MSM ask the liberals for the millions.

How can a party/ies say that they love their country when they steal corrupt and support terrorist groups endangering our lives and the lives of our troops at the same time.

The MSM has made it the point to destroy the prime minister from his days in OPPOSITION which today they continue.
The MSM have deliberately withheld the conservatives accomplishments from the public; the respect they have for the prime minister is worst than their respect for terrorists the liberals support.
It is unfortunate that in a Democractic country like canada, we don't have a conservative national television to show to canadians what the CBC, CTV, ETC have neglected to broadcast-PRIME MINISTER'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Anonymous said...

Very good points on all instances, Capital C: I listened to Gerry Nicholls yesterday on CTV and he was trying to urge all Conservatives to withhold their political contributions until Mr Harper comes to small "c" conservatism. I disagree whole heartedly with his view, as the PM can only do so much in a minority Parliament. Yes I would love to see some kind of reform on Abortion, same sex marriage and Parliamentary democracy but until such time as he forms a majority these are not possible.

Mr. Harper is the best and most honest politician to come along in the last twenty years. Example his accountability package (now being copied by Barack Obama)